Vienna University Library
The service unit Vienna University Library and Archive Services is structured into currently 40 libraries at locations all over Vienna and the Vienna University Archive. The central services have comprehensive and coordinating tasks for all units.
e-infrastructure austria plus
„e-Infrastructures Austria Plus“ is a project carried out by nine austrian universities running from April 2017 to December 2019 that aims to implement infrastructure for escience. In seven working packages we work on such different themes like RDM-Policies, "machine-actionable data management plans", building institutional repositories for research data, standards for meta data following the FAIR principle, building know-how and infrastructure for persisten identifers and setiing first steps to implement electronic lab notebook systems.
OpenAIRE’s mission is closely linked to the mission of the European Commission: to provide unlimited, barrier free, open access to research outputs financed by public funding in Europe. OpenAIRE fulfils the EOSC vision substantially, as its operations already provide the glue for many of the user and research driven functionalities, whether these come from the long tail of science (repositories and local support) or domain disciplined research communities or Research Infrastructures
RDA Europe
The Research Data Alliance (RDA) is an international member-based organisation focused on the development of infrastructure and community activities to reduce the social and technical barriers to data sharing and re-use and to promote the acceleration of data driven innovation and discovery worldwide.
RDA Austria
Research Data Alliance Austria (RDA-AT) is a national RDA node dedicated to representing emerging research and data management communities throughout Austria. RDA-AT will operate as a formal participant of RDA Europe, linking Austrian data management initiatives and RDA Working and Interest Groups, providing assistance in adoption of RDA recommendations, and allowing Austrian stakeholders to benefit directly from RDA support mechanisms. These new connections will bring key Austrian issues to the global data management table, and global discussions back to Austria.
The GO FAIR International Support and Coordination Office (GFISCO) is an internationally operating office at three sites – Leiden, Hamburg and Paris – to support the implementation and further development of GO FAIR. It is funded by the Ministries of Science of France, Germany and the Netherlands.
Fostering the coherent development of the global Internet of FAIR Data & Services (IFDS), with the main focus on early developments in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
The FAIRsFAIR proposal, coordinated by DANS, has been selected by the European Commission and has now entered the stage of contract preparation. The start of the three-year project is 1st of March 2019.
FAIRsFAIR’s ambition is to assist the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) governance bodies to deliver FAIR-aligned Rules of Participation in the EOSC. These rules will be designed to establish FAIR compliance of components and practices. Moreover, FAIRsFAIR will open up and share all knowledge, expertise, guidelines, implementations, new trajectories, courses and education needed to turn FAIR Principles into reality. The project will thus contribute to a culture change necessary to achieve wide adoption of FAIR practices within the EOSC and beyond.
The project is a pan-European collaboration of twenty-two partners, of which the following six are core partners: Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) in the Netherlands CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd. in Finland, the Digital Curation Centre (DCC) and the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) in the United Kingdom, Trust-IT in Italy, and the European University Association (EUA) in Belgium.
EOSC-hub brings together multiple service providers to create the Hub: a single contact point for European researchers and innovators to discover, access, use and reuse a broad spectrum of resources for advanced data-driven research.
For researchers, this will mean a broader access to services supporting their scientific discovery and collaboration across disciplinary and geographical boundaries.
The project mobilises providers from the EGI Federation, EUDAT CDI, INDIGO-DataCloud and other major European research infrastructures to deliver a common catalogue of research data, services and software for research.
EOSC-hub collaborates closely with eInfraCentral, EOSCpilot, GÉANT 4.2, OpenAIRE-Advance and the RDA Europe 4.0 projects to deliver a consistent service offer for research communities across Europe.